PACT, the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy, draws from research in four areas


The Study of the Human Brain. Areas in our brains are wired to reduce danger and seek security, while other areas are built to establish mutuality and connection.

  • Understand how you and your partner’s brains are wired.

  • Observe, learn, and understand actions and reactions within your relationship.

Attachment Theory

Explains the biological need to bond with others. The experiences you had in early relationships created a pattern for your adult relationships. This pattern is referred to as your attachment style. 

  • Discover you and your partner’s attachment style and its origins.

  • Begin to heal childhood wounds and build a secure relationship.

The Biology of Human Arousal

The moment-to-moment ability to manage one’s energy, alertness, readiness/willingness to engage.

  • Explore you and your partner’s body language, tone, and triggers.

  • Become experts on each other.

  • Improve communication and understanding in the present moment. 

Social Contract within a Couple

The idea that a couple is the smallest unit of society. The couple requires the creation of a social contract between the members of the unit.

  • Build a contract alongside your partner.

  • Discover your mutual values and relational needs.

Couples Therapy can help you and your partner…

Co-create your imagined relationship.

Become experts on each other & your relational conflict.

Build a healthy and secure relationship.

Heal & rebuild your relationship.

Work through deal breakers and help you decide to stay together or separate.

Build a conscious relationship by moving from a 1-person to a 2-person system.

Restructure and re-establish your relationship during life changes, such as becoming parents, getting married, or suffering a loss.

Rekindle intimacy and connection.

Work through betrayal and/or affair and rebuild trust.

Learn better communication tools.

Work through common couple issues such as money, sex, time, kids, chores, etc.

If you are in a relationship, couples therapy is for you.

Schedule your free, 15-minute consultation today.